
Regional activities, relevant news, job openings, studio searches, local beer nights (not a forum to plug the new album you just worked on)

Moderator: drumsound

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suffering 'studio suck'
Posts: 408
Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2004 9:59 am
Location: no longer boston now in thrashville tn


Post by djgout » Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:38 pm

hello all

so, a group of friends and i started this joke country band, angus whyte and the irish rednecks. we have a fake backstory about being drunken irish rednecks who moved across ol' blue to play country music in nashville tennessee. basically we just drink alot of whiskey then play kinda bluegrassy music with serious/retarded lyrics sung in fake country voices and gang vocals. we even came up with fake names and characters, I'm the drummer *boots*, i never wear shoes, and have whiskey on my breath, mind, soaked into most of my clothes, and play with just a kick, snare, and whiskey bottle *cymbal* it was completely just for our own entertainment at first but then we decided to submit a demo for belmont university's country showcase. the judges, who are industry professionals, liked us enough to let us have a live audition. we were 1 of 8 bands out of about 50 who got to audition, and then we made it into the final four bands who will be playing this coming saturday. so, if you want to come see the world's best fake fake country band please do. we're playing at the curb event center saturday the 12th at 7pm.

you can check us out at

justin herlocker
grindengineering (at) gmail (dot) com

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