ear damage?

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alex matson
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ear damage?

Post by alex matson » Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:15 am

I played a gig a week ago. We did a quick run-thru of the songs in our rehearsal space before going to the venue. I failed to bring any ear protection. My right ear was pretty pounded. It's a week later, and I can hear fine, but periodically I'm getting a weird sensation. Sorta cottony/high frequency test tone that goes away after a little while. I've been exposed to many, many loud shows, but I've never had this sensation, or had any sensation continue for a week. Am i hosed? :(

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Post by hammertime » Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:42 pm

I was watching a show on Cream, and they had an interview with Clapton where he said he actually went deaf for a week or so because they played so loud. You'll probably know pretty soon.

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Post by Johnny B » Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:26 pm

You might have given yourself a little tinnitus. If it's something that's coming and going, though, you may want to have it looked at.

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Post by alex matson » Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:39 pm

It's been a couple of days. Still got that feelin, as REO Speedwagon would probably say. Unlike most of you, I'm sure, money's tight and I've got no health insurance. I'm all for taking care of the Big Five senses, but, really, what can a doc do? Test me, say, 'Yep, you've got some damage. Be careful, use ear protection, that'll be $200?"

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Post by BeepBeep » Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:43 pm

Portland must of a free clinic.

And get yourself some more air plugs.

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Post by xonlocust » Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:35 pm

i've had that for like 10yrs now!

what's done is done - move on with your life and remember your earplugs from now on. if this is only the first time you've noticed that feeling - you've still got a way to go. i've had my hearing tested and it's still pretty good.

as an aside, i think it's a great thing that today it's pretty acceptable to wear earplugs at shows or being in bands or whatever. it seemed in the 90s you were a total pussy for wearing them, or maybe it was just the shows i went to back then and people i hung out with. i'm glad perceptions have changed.

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Post by lobstman » Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:35 pm

I think things started to change in the late '80s when Pete Townshend started talking about his hearing damage- I think he was the first rock star to really make an issue of it. After reading an interview with him in Musician during the first reunion tour in '89, I went right down to the hardware store and bought a pair of yellow foam plugs.
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Post by alex matson » Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:36 pm

You know, I'm willing to deal. I may have no choice. But tonight at work the sound of some china banging together in the kitchen caused a sharp pain. I'm wondering if I'm going to have to start stuffing an earplug in even when I'm not on stage. I think I will check that free clinic out.
It's weird - a few years ago I blew a 15" cabinet set up at chest level as a monitor, after several years of touring, and never felt a thing. The speaker that did me in last week was just a basement PA with the lead singer's voice. It's like doing police work and never having a problem, and getting shot getting your mail.
My secret hope is that i have a big ball of wax stuck in the bottom of my canal. I've heard the ear will generate wax in response to loud noises. I'll post an update when I go.

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Post by Cyan421 » Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:21 am

I think what might have happend is that your tollerance for loudness went away. Like a tollerance for beer and like. I found that sence wearing protection regularly makes me more sensitive to loudness. Could also a be that your just too worried about it, making it worse by over analyzing it. I have a bit of damage and certain frequecies just kill me. This door squeek at work makes me want to cry!

I don't know about the wax generating thing but your ears will adjust pretty quick and protect themselves from loudness. That is what the muffeled feeling is from after a loud show. Maybey it is wax, makes sence. Anyways. Your probly alright just lay of the booze this week. Can I have the $200.........
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Post by lg » Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:41 am

alex matson wrote:It's weird - a few years ago I blew a 15" cabinet set up at chest level as a monitor, after several years of touring, and never felt a thing. The speaker that did me in last week was just a basement PA with the lead singer's voice. It's like doing police work and never having a problem, and getting shot getting your mail.
the thing to remember about hearing loss is that it's cumulative. so the damage done back when you toured may not have been evident at the time, but the added effect of high volume sound since then may have bumped the level of damage up to where you are finally experiencing it. i do notice that after long rehearsal sessions, i find my ears produce more wax, probably in response to the 'abuse'. not very scientific, but maybe this helps to explain what you've experienced. i'm gonna go have my hearing tested now. :(

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Post by Johnny B » Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:57 am

alex matson wrote:It's been a couple of days. Still got that feelin, as REO Speedwagon would probably say. Unlike most of you, I'm sure, money's tight and I've got no health insurance. I'm all for taking care of the Big Five senses, but, really, what can a doc do? Test me, say, 'Yep, you've got some damage. Be careful, use ear protection, that'll be $200?"
I understand. Right now, being in between jobs I'm on the American Health Plan: I get sick, I die. Anyway, I was thinking of general practice, not ear specialist. I have had the experience of thinking I tweaked my ears at a gig and ignoring it and it turned out I had an ear infection. That was not pleasant.

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Post by alex matson » Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:52 am

I just made an appointment for a 'baseline screening' at a hearing center, a hearing test which includes a look-in-the-ear-with-a-scope and is free. For you Portlanders, this place is at east 19th and burnside. the lady suggested it might be wax...

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Post by trash180 » Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:26 am

Hopefully you can get an ear irrigation. It's awesome afterwards. Superhearing! For a few hours at least...

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Post by xonlocust » Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:13 pm

trash180 wrote:Hopefully you can get an ear irrigation. It's awesome afterwards. Superhearing! For a few hours at least...
yes! i was going to post this exact same thing. you'll be amazed out how great the world sounds right after. one of the coolest experiences ever. i've had it done at my annual physicals for the last 3 yrs now.

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Post by alex matson » Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:42 pm

Update: not only no ear damage, but my hearing's perfect, except for one dip in my left ear "at the frequency of a woman's voice". I've almost always played with my right ear facing the monitor, so that's weird, but...I'll take it! So, I still have this weird pressure. I've had something going on with my right jaw which strangely enough started a couple of days after i stepped on a rusty nail last year. I went to the dentist and he ground a tooth down there. Since then I've had tension/numbness that doesn't hurt, but's always there. I get health insurance soon. I post this only as a follow-up.
The ear doc says it's constant noise in a particular frequency that causes hearing loss, like being near machinery. The inears they sell start at $350 for a single driver. If you've ever played or recorded with them, it's pretty cool, and they'll save your hearing.

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