ear popping airplanes

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ear popping airplanes

Post by jimbo » Tue May 27, 2003 10:33 am

hi all -
so sandwiched between two very important recording gigs is a trip to europe in about a week. my usual experience with airplanes is very severe ear discomfort - last time i went to the midwest, i felt like my ear was gonna literally explode on the landing and i'd never hear again - i'm talkin SEERIOUS pain here, not even a "laugh-about-it-later" thing. but now i'm going overseas and i imagine the altitude will be much higher therefore making the landings and take-offs alot worse. i'm really scared - of the pain and of any long lasting (or short-term) damage - otherwise planes don't really bother me.
does anyone have any tricks or suggestions on something i can do to keep the pain at a minimum? do regular earplugs work? anything?
thanks y'all

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Re: ear popping airplanes

Post by trashy » Tue May 27, 2003 10:57 am

So, you're talking about the altitude and not the noise? There should only be one reason for your ear problems: the cities you are flying to and from are at different altitudes. Flying from San Fran to N.Y. should give you no problems, while flying from S.F. to Denver might. The plane itself is pressurized, so the altitude of the plane does not figure in.
Trying chewing some gum on take-offs and landings. That is usually when they repressurize the cabin for the destination altitude.

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Re: ear popping airplanes

Post by thunderboy » Tue May 27, 2003 11:06 am

Yeah, gum or - my fave - Ricola lozenges. Swallowing will help equalize the pressure differences in/outside your ear, so anything that will help produce saliva - or even a cup of water (tho I don't think they'll let you have one during landing) will help.

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Re: ear popping airplanes

Post by GT40sc » Tue May 27, 2003 11:38 am

Hey Jimbo,

I have had this problem as well...

Chewing gum or drinking water do not help at all. I carry a bottle of nasal spray and use some before takeoff, and again before landing.

Give it an hour or so to work before landing...and "no more than 2 doses in 24 hours," etc. Bad chemical mojo. Better than a blown eardrum, though...

I will only use this stuff when flying...

hope this helps,

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Re: ear popping airplanes

Post by alarmo » Tue May 27, 2003 12:15 pm

I've had a lot of "experience" with my ears and flying as well - from what I understand, there are some pressure changes that happen in the cabin when the plane's changing altitude quickly, which is after takeoff and before landing (since the outside air pressure is *much* lower when the plane's in flight than it is at any destination altitude). Whatever the explanation for weird pressures, I have sinus/allergy trouble occasionally and that (or a cold) can cause problems. Worst story: one time I wound up flying with a bad head cold and felt what you described, and literally could not hear anything for a few hours after landing - complete deafness, although I recovered the next day.

What I've found that helps, in order of effectiveness:

1. decongestants

2. blowing your nose *gently* as the plane descends (but be careful, as I'm told this can also do very bad things to your ears if you're too forceful)

3. chewing gum, eating, yawning, etc. (something to move the jaw around)

oh - and don't fly with a head cold, if you can help it. :)

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Re: ear popping airplanes

Post by A.David.MacKinnon » Tue May 27, 2003 12:56 pm

I have the same problem. I just did a quickie tour of western Canada by plane and my ears are a mess. Try taking a decongestant an hour before the flight. Anything that will clear your sinus's will help.
Last time i flew I had a bottle of water with me (another big help). I openned it mid flight and sealed it up before landing. As the plane started it's decent I watched the sealed water bottle started to collapse on itself due to the presure difference between the inside and outside of the bottle. The same forces are acting on you ears.
If you can do it it's best to give yourself a day or two off from loud noise (studio or performence) after flying. If your ears are plugged up from the flight your more than likely to keep turning the volume up on your amp (or monitors) to be able to hear better. You run the risk of buggering up your ears even worse.

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Re: ear popping airplanes

Post by wrenhunter » Tue May 27, 2003 1:53 pm

I used to have the same problem, until I found these:


I buy them at CVS or at airport kiosks.

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Re: ear popping airplanes

Post by jimbo » Tue May 27, 2003 7:26 pm

you guys are the best - i will look for those "ear planes" and get some nasal spray...i'm gonna keep a bottle of water handy too so i have something to help me swallow. i really hope it doesn't hurt so much - it really is very scary when you think yr ear is gonna explode.
thanks again,
jimbo :lol:

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Re: ear popping airplanes

Post by rhythm ranch » Tue May 27, 2003 7:37 pm

On most commercial flights the cabin is pressurized to 10,000 ft. As the plane descends below 10,000 ft. the air pressure begins to build. Doesn't matter what your destination is - unless it's above 10K. The greater the pressure differential outside your ears and inside your ears, the greater the discomfort. The reason that chewing gum, yawning, moving your jaw sometimes works is that it can open your eustachian tubes and equalize the pressure.

One method that has always worked for me (although I am a little hesitant to recommend it due to concerns some have expressed over possible damage, so buyer beware!) is to close your mouth, hold your nose shut and blow. With nowhere else to go, the air pushes into your eustachian tubes and forces them to open and balance the pressure. I've been doing it for 30 years with no damage and instant results. But, of course, YMMV.

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Re: ear popping airplanes

Post by Eric Rottmayer » Tue May 27, 2003 7:44 pm

flying is stressful enough, then your ears get all closed up too?
i hate that. if you want to try something totally different, and arent a
person who becomes easily dependent on pharmacuiticals, go to
your doctor and tell him you have anxiety about flying.
he'll most likely give you Xanax, or a form of, which will greatly
decrease all ill symptoms of frequent flying. it may also knock you
out for 4 hours a pop, but for most people it just sorta makes you feel
warm and fuzzy for a while. drink plenty of water though!

i am in no way trying to push drugs on people, but this seriously
helped me on a recent trip to Japan.



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