Artist Friendly Cities:Where's an affordable place to live?

Vartan K.
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Re: Artist Friendly Cities:Where's an affordable place to li

Post by Vartan K. » Sun Dec 21, 2003 12:54 pm

Lowell MA

TONS of artist lofts are being made. i meen TONS! the night life sucks here. but its pretty open minded with the arty farty things.

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Re: Artist Friendly Cities:Where's an affordable place to li

Post by DarkMoon » Mon Dec 22, 2003 11:47 pm

Fort Wayne, IN is pretty cheap... but there is nothing pertaining to the arts here. The city is dying. EVERYONE needs to move here so the city can be saved. :wink:
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Re: Artist Friendly Cities:Where's an affordable place to li

Post by Bear's Gone Fission » Sat Dec 27, 2003 1:57 pm

I've heard tidbits about Hot Springs, Arkansas, a few times as being an up and coming artist/musician/hipster hot spot. Know just about nothing about the scene, though.

Rents in Austin have crashed, but I think a lot of the music community and infrastructure were traumatized by the bubble and the burst. And before the cost of living shot up, the thing was so big and diffuse that it basically was a closed loop of gigging in obscurity except for a few bands that toured regionally and even fewer of national reputation. I think if I were ambitious about commercial prospects for my music, I'd want to be a bigger fish in a smaller pond. San Marcos, a sleepy little college town maybe 20 miles (?) south of Austin is kind of like what Austin was in the early 80's, and I hear the scene is hopping there, and they have launched at least one national act in recent years. I dunno, moving to Austin to break out is like moving to Seattle in 1993 with the same goal in mind.

Houston sucks. Not due to the musicians or what fans there are, but this is a whitebread city that doesn't give a rat's ass about originality on any level. 4th biggest city in the US and there is next to no attendance of shows unless it's arena level mediocrity. If there were centralization of venues, less fragmentation into explicitly named and rigidly enforced genres, more supportive media, and a less indifferent (and probably less sprawled)population, there might be a chance, but no, these things won't happen any time soon.


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Re: Artist Friendly Cities:Where's an affordable place to li

Post by daveaux » Thu Jan 08, 2004 3:40 am

New Orleans! Ditto Baltimore with regard to lots of bars/restaurants to work in, cheap funky neighborhoods, PLUS it IS the birthplace of jazz, blues and rock n roll. that's gotta count for something.

There is a crazy scene, and it's probably one of three cities (2?) in the world where you could play tuba and have five different gigs a week from jazz to heavy metal to hiphop. cheap rents, and lots of international influence.

And it don't freeze.

the only drawback is, everybody's crazy as a sh1thouse rat. Or is that a drawback?

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Re: Artist Friendly Cities:Where's an affordable place to li

Post by cURVe sPACe » Thu Jan 08, 2004 1:59 pm

Bear's Gone Fission wrote:I've heard tidbits about Hot Springs, Arkansas, a few times as being an up and coming artist/musician/hipster hot spot. Know just about nothing about the scene, though.
Hehe, that's cool... my mom just bought an awesome sprawling lakefront house there for cheap (she also grew up there), and keeps trying to get me to move out there. I'll be out there this summer, and will have to gauge the "hipness factor" and report back.

I'm goin' to the store, anybody need anything?

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Re: Artist Friendly Cities:Where's an affordable place to li

Post by bigtexasthriller » Sat Feb 07, 2004 12:24 am

It's hard to make money in Austin. That may sound bad, but after a while I guarantee it will frustrate you. Also, it's very easy to get lazy here. As Steve Earle said "The weather's too nice, the girls are too pretty and the dope is too cheap. You never get anything done it Austin."

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Re: Artist Friendly Cities:Where's an affordable place to li

Post by jayro_rockola » Sat Feb 07, 2004 4:34 pm

Is it hard to make money in austin doing music, or just hard in general? I too have been thinkin' of moving there for a while now...


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