Cubase 6 and Digi 002 Won't Talk

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Cubase 6 and Digi 002 Won't Talk

Post by A.David.MacKinnon » Wed May 25, 2011 5:07 am

Here's the situation -
I'm normally a Pro Tools user. I've been asked to help a band with mixes. The record was tracked and mixed in Cubase and it sounds quite good. It just needs a little extra polish. A couple of tunes will need a ground up re-mix but for the most part only touch ups are needed so I'd like to work from the existing mixes.

I've downloaded and installed the demo version of Cubase 6. I have an e-licensor and everything is loaded and opens without any issue. However, I can't get audio in or out through my digi002. I've selected the Digi as the ASIO driver in the Device Set-up - VST Audio System menu and I've configured the inputs and outputs in the VST Connections menu to the Digi ins and outs but there's no audio and the meters aren't showing any level. I can see the waveforms but there's no meter action and no sound.
If I switch the above outputs and drivers to Built In Audio everything works as it should, I can hear everything and the meters show level.

Am I missing something? Is there a known issue between Cubase 6 and the Digi 002?

I'm on a tight timeline so I need to sort this out or I'll have to pass on the job. I'd be grateful for any advice.


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Post by HeavyHand » Wed May 25, 2011 1:14 pm

i think i had a similar issue recently with cubase 5 and my 002...

so you made sure your VST connections reads that the 002 is the output. have you changed the master bus to output to that as well. (i think i had to manually change that at the master fader) and once you do that make sure each track is set to output to that as well. (unless its in a group or something) if you don't they won't know where to output to. when you get rid of the original master output path Cubase doesn't know where you want the audio to be sent to.

hope that works for you.
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Post by @?,*???&? » Thu May 26, 2011 10:36 pm

Misleading thread title...I thought you were somehow trying to lock the two together or something.

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Post by A.David.MacKinnon » Fri May 27, 2011 5:05 am

I am.

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