Anything like Logic Nodes?

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Anything like Logic Nodes?

Post by aitikin » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:33 am

So I'm moving away from Logic as a whole, the reasons are not worth discussing here right now, but I'm wondering if there's anything else out there with the functionality of distributed computing like Logic has? It does have to be on a Mac, but I'd be curious if there's anything on Windows as well, just for information.
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Anything like Logic Nodes?

Post by alexdingley » Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:10 am

Hey there,

So, it seems like there's nobody out there doing anything similar that's dedicated to audio processing. I did a little poking around, and last night I asked about it with the broadcast team that I work for.

All the answers I've seen are "no dice".

it really seems like network distributed processing is something that Apple put more effort into than any other developer.

I don't know if Apple's Q-master distribution will do you any good in other DAW's on the mac, but it's worth looking up.

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Post by aitikin » Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:45 pm

Kinda figured as much. Thanks for checking though. I don't use it too often anyway, it was just nice to have it there.
"It's not a recording studio without a lava lamp"
~Mark Rubel

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