Future Austin Intern

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Re: Future Austin Intern

Post by DavidATX » Wed Sep 17, 2003 10:59 pm

I agree with everything stuart has had to say about this topic...he has got it down. Not much more you can say about it really.

Oh Stuart...I think we have a mutual acquaintence, Adrian Quesada.


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Re: Future Austin Intern

Post by jimmyjazz » Tue Sep 30, 2003 8:19 am

You know, I don't do that many records -- maybe one or two a year -- and I have to admit, the idea of "hiring" an intern has never really crossed my mind. BUT, I could see it as being a somewhat productive endeavour, at least during tracking. Right now I'm wrapping up overdubs on a record and will be mixing soon, but when I get around to starting the next one, I'll consider posting a "want ad" here.

I'm not sure I would be able to offer the most comprehensive experience for an intern, but I work my ass off for my clients and could probably do a better job if I had someone who was good at taking care of some of the details. Certainly I could use help in setting up microphones, archiving takes, and keeping the place clean. What I could not abide is someone who feels compelled to offer their opinions on the production and performances. I wouldn't mind discussing certain engineering issues, as that's what the intern is (supposedly) there to learn -- engineering. Production and the "art" would be off limits, and grounds for firing. I've piped up a couple of times myself in the past and although my thoughts were actually incorporated on a record once or twice, I saw immediately how disruptive it was to the flow.

Artists, Producers: Chiefs
Engineers: Indians

I'll think it over.

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Re: Future Austin Intern

Post by StuartSullivan » Tue Sep 30, 2003 11:56 pm

<<but when I get around to starting the next one, I'll consider posting a "want ad" here.

I'm not sure I would be able to offer the most comprehensive experience for an intern, but I work my ass off for my clients and could probably do a better job if I had someone who was good at taking care of some of the details. Certainly I could use help in setting up microphones, archiving takes, and keeping the place clean.>>


Do it....get an intern. If you are lucky, you'll be glad you did. Definately look for a guy/girl/other who is responsible, intelligent and motivated (yea kinda the needle in a haystack) everything else can be taught. My current assistant really allows me to flirt with sanity and make more money. You'll get plenty of crappy interns, so don't be afraid to dump someone early. However, when you find a good one, it can be great for both of you.

Jim, you've been around for a while, share your experience. Nobody knows it all, pass on what you know.

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Re: Future Austin Intern

Post by ahmedgarcia » Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:29 pm

I have just received about a dozen calls and mailings from recording grads from all over the country. It seems alot of folks are moving to Ausitn again.

They must have all had a large graduating class this year.

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Re: Future Austin Intern

Post by DavidATX » Mon Jan 05, 2004 5:10 pm

Well that sucks. Haha, I mean our market is already way saturated with studios, engineers, interns, and wannabees. Can't though just go to Dallas instead? :roll:


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Re: Future Austin Intern

Post by pctrax » Sun Feb 08, 2004 5:14 pm

Well, I have to say it's good to see that Stuart Sullivan is writing on this subject, since you probably have the greatest chance of getting an internship at Arlyn Studios more than anywhere else in Austin. As a former intern of Arlyn, having worked with Stuart I can tell you that you will definitely learn a lot from him if he likes you. I learned a lot about the kind of gear that professional studios use and how the music biz works from that internship...enough to make me realize I didn't want to be a poor ass audio engineer for a living. Basically the studio, and Stuart as the main engineer, were always waiting for some jerk in a slick suit and a cowboy hat to cut them a check for studio time. That sucks, but that is the way it goes in a pro studio.

If you do get an internship with Stuart try to be as transparent as possible while you're in the studio, and don't talk to the artists unless they initiate it. You're just supposed to be there and be an extra hand for the engineer, that's it. Stuart made that abundantly clear to me by constantly sending me out on his petty errands, like to go get him a glass of water, or something to eat. Basically, you the studio's bitch, so learn to enjoy it, or you will leave feeling very unfiulfilled.

I have the greatest respect for Stuart Sullivan as an engineer, but watch out cause he can be moody.

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Re: Future Austin Intern

Post by psychicoctopus » Mon Feb 09, 2004 7:12 pm

The 'don't offer your opinion unless asked' rule (Sullivan's Theorem) makes good sense. For example, when an artist and producer are trying to decide if guitar overdub #5 is better than #2, random opinions from an assistant are uncalled for and would slow the work process down. Who dubbed you Producer anyway?

If instead you look at an internship as a learning environment where tuition = making coffee + running errands, it's a lot easier to swallow. However, if the studio isn't interested in teaching you anything beyond this, it's going to be frustrating.


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