Any internships in the Nashville area?

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carpal tunnel
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Any internships in the Nashville area?

Post by jca83 » Wed Mar 03, 2004 3:22 pm

I'm a student at one of the local recording schools around Nashville (MTSU in Murfreesboro, actually). I've had experience on large format, small format and digital consoles (analog and digital tape formats), as well as ProTools, DP3, DP4, Reason, and other software platforms.

I've had experience with rock, country, classical and post-production recordings. In two of my classes this semester, I'm engineering a prog-rock/synth epic about Megaman (that's right), and using ProTools to design the soundtrack for a film clip from an already-completed major motion picture.

I'm also the chair of our Audio Engineering Society chapter for the university. It's the largest student chapter in the world, so I have a lot of responsibility in working with that. However, I know how to be a good second (i.e. shut up and do what I'm told).

I'm willing to work very, very, very hard to get the job done. I love music and I love making music. I'd love the opportunity to help anybody cool enough to read these messageboards out, and I know I can help them out as well.

I'm looking to work during the summer once school has ended, but anytime to start would be fine. Maybe this could carry into the fall and then who knows from there? Our school allows internships to be counted for credit, so I'm not asking to be paid. But I'll work as many hours as you want to have me around.

Drop me an e-mail at, and check out our facilities at to see what I and hundreds of other students get to work on.
that devil bastard protools


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